Wednesday, 9 May 2018


Mae'r ' Star-Rider ' yn ffordd wych o chwarae. Mae'n hwyl i blant o bob oed ac uchder.  Gan ei fod yn cael ei bweru â llaw, yn hytrach na thraed, mae'n adeiladu cryfder corff uchaf. Cynhwysol ac yn hwyl!

The 'Star-Rider' is a great way to play. It is fun for children of all ages and heights.  Because it is powered by hand, rather than feet, it builds upper body strength. Inclusive and Fun!

Sorter Meddal - Soft Sorter

Daw'r ' sorter meddal ' mewn pedwar lliw o bedwar siâp mewn pedwar maint. Hwyl a ffordd wych o ddysgu.

The 'Soft Sorter' comes in four colours of four shapes in four sizes. Great fun and a great way to learn.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Bowlio Deg - Soft Bowling

Mae'r sgitls hyn yn dod fel set o ddeg o sgitls, dwy bêl, triongl â rhif a bag cario.  Wedi'u gwneud o ddeunydd cryf, maent wedi'u pwysoli'n dda, gan roi sylw i fanylion sy'n mynd mor bell â chael y tyllau bysedd cywir i wneud y profiad bowlio'n ddilys. Gwych ar gyfer addysgu niferoedd i blant iau, gwych ar gyfer cydsymud llaw-llygad, ond yn fwyaf pwysig hwyl fawr i bawb.

These skittles come as a set of ten skittles, two balls, a numbered triangle and a carrying bag.  Made of strong material, they are well-weighted, with attention to detail going so far as to have the correct finger holes to make the bowling experience authentic. Great for teaching numbers to younger children, great for hand-eye coordination, but most importantly great fun for everyone.

Trampolinau Llaw - Hand Trampolines

Mae trampolinau llaw yn dod mewn set o ddau batio ac un bêl.  Mae'r dyluniad newydd yn cynnwys gafael llaw ar bob ochr (dau lygad).  Llawer o hwyl i chwarae gyda.  Gwych ar gyfer cydsymud llaw-llygad hefyd!

The Hand Trampolines come in a set of two bats and one ball.  The new design includes a hand grip on each side (two grips).  Lots of fun to play with.  Great for hand-eye coordination too!

Rheil Cydbwysedd - Balance Rail

Mae'r rheiliau cydbwysedd hyn yn wych ar gyfer cynorthwyo cydbwysedd a chywiro problemau ystum, ond yn fwy na hyn, maent yn llawer o hwyl.  Wedi'u gwneud o ddeunydd caled, gallan nhw sefyll unrhyw beth o neidio ar.  Maen nhw'n ffitio gyda'i gilydd fel Lego, felly maen nhw'n hawdd i'w cydosod.  Y gwerth gorau am arian yw'r set 30 darn, sy'n cynnwys darnau syth, cromliniau, trionglau, sgwariau a darnau hirgrwn/crwn (mae'r olaf yn dod mewn darnau caled a meddal).  Gellir ychwanegu at y setiau a'u gwneud mor fawr ag y dymunwch.

These Balance Rails are great for aiding balance and correcting posture problems, but more than this, they are great fun.  Made of hard material, they can stand any amount of jumping upon.  They fit together like lego, so are easy to assemble.  The best value for money is the 30 piece set, which includes straight pieces, curves, triangles, squares and oval/round pieces (the latter coming in hard and soft pieces).  The sets can be added to and made as large as you want.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! Happy New Year!

2015 was a great year for Merlin.  We would like to thank all our customers from Holyhead to Halifax and Liverpool to Welshpool.  Now that 2016 is here, we look forward to working with new and existing customers and friends.  In addition to indoor play, we are now able to supply large scale outdoor play equipment.

See you soon!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Ysgol Hafod Lon: Diolch yn fawr iawn

Yesterday was another great day in Wales.  Thank you very much to all the staff at Ysgol Hafod Lon in Y Ffôr for your time in meeting with the Merlin team.  Your products will be on their way to you shortly.  Best of luck with the move to new premises and with the forthcoming concert - I still can't get the music from Frozen out of my head!

Diolch yn fawr iawn!